Black Bodies, Black Health | Disrupting Health Disparities: Imagining a Just Racial Future External Expert Conference

This 3-day conference featured in-depth engagement with scholars in the broad field of race and health and a mix of speakers and group discussions focusing on racial health disparities and achieving health equity. The conference culminated in the Presidential Keynote by sitting Rutgers President Jonathan Holloway titled "Mapping Value: The Material Consequences of Structural Racism."
Click here for more about the conference.
Conference schedule:
Welcome: "Centering the Black Body" by Black Bodies, Black Health Project Leads Dr. Michelle Stephens and Dr. Anna Branch

“To Wash the Ethiope: The Treatment of Black Bodies” by Dr. Patricia Akhimie

“Racism and Structural Racism Undermine the Public Health: What Research Evidences” by Dr. Perry Halkitis

Watch the conference in its entirety below:
Presidential Keynote
“Mapping Value: The Material Consequences of Structural Racism” by Dr. Jonathan S. Holloway, Rutgers President and University Professor